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- Initial Publication Date: 12/31/1969
- Days Remaining in Current Plan: -20084
- Current Expiration Date 12/31/1969
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Video Icon Publishing Center
Announce Your Video
Publish Your Video Icon on Your Website, Blog, Emails and More.
It is very important to add your Video Icon to the web pages you control - especially your firm's website and blog(s). Wherever you publish your Video Icon you add not only credibility but engaging professional content that can influence prospective clients and referring lawyers.
Here's How:
Copy and paste the complete "snippet" of code shown in the right hand
box below. Email the code to your web designer. Tell the web designer
where on the page you want your icon to appear. It only takes a few
minutes for a web designer to update a typical website with your Video
Icon. There is no special software required. Your Video Icon will appear
and be clickable so visitors can easily view your video.