2018 Best Law Firms: California

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American Registry

An independent company, not affiliated with or endorsed by "U.S. News & World Report" or its publisher.

Recognized By: U.S. News & World Report
Publication Date: November 2017
Number of Honorees: 617

Businesses Receiving This Recognition

Law Office of Steven L. Victor CA
Baker & McKenzie Multiple Locations
Boutwell Fay Irvine, CA
Doyle Law Beverly Hills, CA
Pettit Kohn Ingrassia & Lutz Los Angeles, CA
Procopio Cory Hargreaves & Savitch LLP CA
Feldman Law Group Santa Monica, CA
Schor & Freeland San Diego, CA
Gilchrist & Rutter PC Los Angeles, CA
Zelle LLP CA
Phillips, Whisnant, Gazin & Gorczyca
Bick Law LLP Los Angeles, CA
Seastrom Tuttle &; Murphy CA
Wilson Tuner Kosmo San Diego, CA
Klinedinst PC CA
Law Office of John D. Cline San Francisco, CA
Law Offices of M. Gerald Schwartzbach CA
Avchen Shapiro LLP Los Angeles, , CA
Kennerly Lamishaw & Rossi LLP Los Angeles,, CA
Goodwin Procter
Joseph, Cohen &; Del Vecchio, PC CA
Pircher Nicholas And Shaw LLP Los Angeles, CA
ACLU Northern California San Francisco, CA
Abramson Smith Waldsmith San Francisco, CA
Keller Benwenutti San Francisco, CA

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